Bringing up Seven course work
Follow Adele Yunck as she brings up her new-in-July-2023 Flat-Coated Retriever puppy. She is training her for future competitions in obedience, rally, conformation, and hunt tests, as well as being a great family pet.
Follow Adele Yunck as she brings up her new-in-July-2023 Flat-Coated Retriever puppy. She is training her for future competitions in obedience, rally, conformation, and hunt tests, as well as being a great family pet.
Structure of this membership program
Why this litter?
Early Equipment
Training & Trial Logs and Why I Use Them
Plans for this lesson
Early platform lessons for the Celestial litter
Early Pat Nolan target lessons for the Celestial litter
Come meet my new puppy
Zoom EMT (early morning training) with Adele & Seven
July 29, 2023 Zoom training session with Adele and 9 week old Seven
Monday evening Zoom training session with Seven and Adele
8/7/23 Zoom training session with Seven and Adele
8/14/23 Zoom training session
8/21/23 Zoom Seven 12 weeks old - Around finish, Back up in chute, Perch work with rotations, Close, Away, Chair front intro, Cookie-toss down
8/28/23 Zoom Seven training 13 weeks old - Cookie-toss down, back, perch work, Close, Away, Hop, Chair fronts, Nose bop, Scoot sits
9/4/23 Zoom Seven training 14 weeks ol - Cookie-toss down with barrier, free-stacking/stand stay, Moving Front Attention, Perch work, Close & Away, Hop with collar hold, Heel Starts, Dizzy Spin, Around Finish, Nose bop with Treat & Train
9/17/23 Zoom Seven training 16 weeks old - Cookie-toss down with me standing, Foot touch to stanchion, stand in heel position no food, Perch work, left quarter turns, Hop, heel starts, Side passing (close/away), Scoot fronts, Stand stay, Q&A
9/24/23 Zoom Seven training 17 weeks old - Cookie-tin scent lesson, Motivational recalls, stay work including circling, Send to perch, Front work, Hop from front, Rally signs
10/1/23 Zoom training session - Cookie-tin scent, send to perch, hop from front, Back onto platform, Stand Stay, Back and forth go-outs, other Maneuvers
10/8/23 Zoom Seven training - back onto platform, send to perch, Stay work - sit stay with call to left and right side finishes; down stay; stand stay; Marking duration; Heeling - small circles around chairs; Get Readies; rally skills
10/29/23 Zoom Seven training - articles; heeling (rhythm, Figure 8s, turns, halts); stand stay and down stay; finishes; adding a fetch command to DB in my hand; and circling a chair and adding a couple of broad jump boards.
1/14/24 Zoom part 1
1/14/24 Zoom part 2
1/14/24 Zoom part 3
PDF Puppy Training log Week 1
Excel Puppy Training Log Week 1
PDF Training log Week 2
Excel Training log Week 2
Seven's training log 9 weeks July 27 - August 2, 2023
PDF Training log Week 3
Excel Training log Week 3
PDF Training log Week 4
Excel Training log Week 4
PDF Training log Week 5
Excel Training log Week 5
PDF Training log Week 6
Excel Training log Week 6
Excel Training log Week 7
PDF Training Log Week 7
Excel Training log Week 8
PDF Training Log Week 8
Excel Training log Week 9
PDF Training Log Week 9
Excel Training log Week 10
PDF Training Log Week 10
Excel training log Week 11 - 18 weeks
PDF Training Log Week 11
Zoom meeting - Meet Seven
Cookies 101
FREE PREVIEW7/22/23 - Seven Cookies 101
7/22/23 Platform casting at home
7/22/23 Seven starting Cookie-toss recall
7/22/23 Seven target work
7/22/23 Play Retrieves
7/22/23 Seven starts name attention
7/23/23 Seven CT recalls 2nd lesson
7/23/23 Seven stacking practice
7/24/23 Seven EMT - PCs, CT down 1st, sit from down facing me
7/24/23 Seven two targets 1st try, doubles with toys
7/24/23 Seven nail grinding with peanut butter
7/24/23 Seven eating from puzzle toy
7/24/23 - Gunner Thrown Marks
7/25/23 Seven EMT - platform fronts; casting; PCs; 2 targets; play retrieve
7/25/23 Seven CT down
7/25/23 Seven nail grinding with pb
7/26/23 Seven EMT
7/26/23 Seven whistle recall
7/27/23 EMT 1 - Follow the cookie; nose touch to dumbbell, fronts onto a platform
7/27/23 27 EMT 2 - Sit and Maintain(starting sit stay), play retrieve, tug
7/27/23 stacking practice
7/27/23 Seven nail grinding
7/27/23 Seven polite exiting of the Xpen
7/28/23 EMT 1 - follow the cookie
7/28/23 EMT 2
7/28/23 EMT 3 - target doubles, sit and maintain, position changes, cookie-toss down
7/30/23 EMT with Seven - targets, toys retrieves, and platforms
7/31/23 EMT (early morning training) - follow the cookie and and out of her X-pen, nose touch to dumbbell and the start of taking the dumbbell, cookie-toss down, and nail grinding.
8/1/23 Seven EMT1 - follow the cookie, position changes, play retrieve and tug
8/1/23 Seven EMT2 - Platform/cookie-toss fronts combined with sit stay and front attention, starting the dumbbell take, play retrieve/tug, swapping toy for treat
8/1/23 Seven doing stairs up
8/2/23 Seven Dumbbell Take
8/2/23 Seven targets 24-30 feet apart
8/2/23 Seven starts learning the dog door
Recap of Seven's training July 27 - August 2, 2023 - 9 weeks old
8/3/23 EMT Dumbbell take and hold
8/3/23 EMT 3 targets and platform casting and nose touch
8/4/23 EMT Seven Around Finish
8/4/23 EMT Seven Dumbbell Lift
8/4/23 EMT Seven restraint and nail grinding
The importance of control around doors and gates
8/5/23 gate work with pack
8/5/23 Seven learning stairs
8/5/23 Seven dumbbell
8/5/23 Seven CT Down
8/5/23 Seven platform fronts, sit stay, attention
8/5 & 8/6/23 Seven goes visiting
8/7/23 Zoom session
8/8/23 Seven EMT - Follow the cookie Head and collar holds Dumbbell take, including Seven taking a few steps to reach for the dumbbell Play retrieve of paint roller, Nose touch to hand
8/8/23 Seven using Treat and Train for nose touch to hand
8/9/23 Seven EMT - Around finish, Kick-back stand, Cookie-toss down with Treat and Train
8/9/23 Seven does a Y-drill with targets
Recap of training August 3-9, 2023 - 10 weeks old
8/10/23 Seven IYC - It'sYerChoice
8/10/23 Seven head:collar holds, DB takes
8/10/23 Seven casting - platform to target and back
8/10/23 Seven side restraint nail grinding
8/10/23 Seven casting with targets and Treat & Train - introduction of back cast
8/11/23 EMT1 - Cookie-toss down, Kick-back stand, Perch lesson 1
8/11/23 EMT2 - Heel position Attention, It'sYerChoice, Sit stay with step away to get a treat
8/12/23 Seven EMT - Around finish, head and collar holds, dumbbell pursuit and take, nose touch to hand
8/14/23 Casting to Treat & Train
8/15/23 Seven EMT1 - Perch work, Sit stay on platform while I loaded a target, Heel position attention
8/15/23 15 Seven EMT2 - back through chute, Kick-back stand and stacking work
8/16/23 EMT - head and collar holds, Dumbbell pursuit, Cookie-toss down, Perch work, Around finish onto platform
Recap of Week 4 training 11 weeks old
8/17/23 Seven back thru chute
8/17/23 Seven door sits
8/17/23 Seven bumper retrieves
8/17/23 Seven targets with obstacles between; platform stays to load target
8/18/23 It's Yer Choice & Dumbbell
8/18/23 Seven Find heel and back in chute
8/18/23 Seven Casting with Treat & Train & perch work rotations
8/20/23 Seven EMT - back, side step left (away), side step right (close), rotations on perch, kick-back stand with perch
8/22/23 Seven CT Down
8/22/23 Seven CT recall thru chute intro
8/22/23 Seven Find heel with TNT
8/22/23 Seven Casting and finishes both sides
8/23/23 EMT Dumbbell
Recap of training 12 weeks old
8/24/23 Seven Find heel and Cookie-toss recall thru chute and chair fronts
8/24/23 Seven Stand in heel position, Close, Away, Back
8/24/23 Seven 20 treat exercise @ Meijer
FREE PREVIEW8/25/23 EMT Cookie-toss down, Heel position attention, scoot sits, hop, perch work, Kick-back stand
8/25/23 EMT casting and target work
8/29/23 Seven Cone targets in plus shape and sit stay
8/29/23 Seven Find Heel, Rhythm heeling, Cookie-toss recall thru chute, Cookie-toss down
8/29/23 Seven Finishes & hand thrown bumper doubles
8/30/23 Seven EMT1 Cookie-toss down, Back, Away & Close, Scoot Sits, Hop
8/30/23 Seven EMT2 Teeth exam and side restraint
8/28/23 Seven Nose bop with Treat & Train
Recap of Week 6 training - 13 weeks old August 24-30, 2023
8/31/23 Seven silliness - helping me set up cones, quick cone work
8/31/23 Seven Moving Front attention
8/31/23 Seven Dumbbell, Cookie-toss recall, Find heel -> Rhythm heeling
9/1/23 Seven Cookie-toss down & dumbbell
9/1/23 Seven grooming - paws and nails
9/1/23 Seven Perch, close, scoot sits, teeth exams, start of stand stay
9/2/23 Seven Hop with hand in collar
9/2/23 Seven Heel Position distractions
9/2/23 Seven Find heel distractions
9/2/23 full Dizzy spins
9/3/23 Seven 1st sit for exam
9/3/23 Seven walk bys during sit stay
9/5/23 Seven Find Heel and Rhythm Heeling with Treat & Train in center
9/5/3 Seven Cookie-toss down with barrier, intro Directed Jumping & Retrieve over High Jump
Recap of Week 7 of training - 14 weeks old 8/31/23 - 9/6/23
9/8/23 Seven swimming far
9/8/23 Seven and Roadie swimming
9/9/23 Seven sit for exam
9/9/23 Seven HP distractions
9/9/23 Seven sit stay with walk bys
9/10/23 Seven Find Heel with distractions
9/11/23 Seven and Roadie synchonized swimming
9/11/23 Seven little leap in the water
9/13/23 Seven full basement stairs
9/13/23 EMT Cookie-toss down, Hop, heel starts, back in front and heel position, close in front and heel position, away in front and heel position, perch work in front and heel position, dizzy spins
2023 09 10 Seven front side passing and wagon wheels
Recap of Week 8 of training - 15 weeks old Sept 7-13, 2023
9/14/23 Seven Heel position attention with distractions
9/14/23 Seven Find heel with distractions
9/14/23 Seven Cookie-toss down
9/14/23 Seven casting with Treat & Train
9/15/23 Seven Cookie-toss down adding command
9/15/23 Seven adding distance on sit stay with treats on table, stand stay
9/15/23 Seven moving front attention -> scoot fronts, tug discussion
9/15/23 Seven Hop, heel starts adding command, finishes
9/15/23 Seven showing her teeth, doing nails, side restraint
9/16/23 Cookie-toss down
9/16/23 Seven Perch work and fronts
9/16/23 Seven close, away, back, Hop, heel starts, dizzy spins, in left quarter turns
9/16/23 Seven Easy Walk harness
9/18/23 Seven CT down
9/18/23 Seven Find heel, Rhythm heeling, Cookie-toss recall
9/18/23 Seven casting with Treat & Train
9/18/23 Seven hand thrown triples
9/19/23 Seven swish drill
9/19/23 Seven front work and name attention
9/19/23 Seven Heel position attention with distracctions
9/19/23 Seven Find Heel with distractions
9/19/23 Seven stanchion foot touch
9/20/23 Seven swish drill 2
9/20/23 Loose leash walking vs. heeling
9/20/23 Seven restraint 101
9/20/23 Seven nails with big dremmel
Recap of Week 9 training - 16 weeks old September 14-20, 2023
9/21/23 Seven stacking 17 weeks old
9/21/23 Seven Front work
9/21/23 Seven table work for grooming
9/21/23 Seven Cookie-toss Down
9/21/23 Seven Directed Jumping and Retrieve over the High Jump
9/21/23 Rhythm heeling big left circles, Play running
9/22/23 Seven water double
9/23/23 Seven Cookie-tin scent lesson 1
9/23/23 Seven sending to perch Lessons 2 & 3, kick-back stand
9/23/23 sit stay lengthening distance, circling
9/24/23 Seven cookie-tin scent work lesson 2
9/25/23 Seven back to pillow
9/25/23 Seven cookie-tin scent work
9/25/23 Seven maneuvers
9/26/23 Seven casting to Treat & Train in yard
9/26/23 Seven Swish Drill #3
9/27/23 Seven Cookie-tin scent step 4 part 1
9/27/23 Seven Cookie-tin scent step 4 part 2
9/27/23 Cookie-toss down and back onto platform
Recap of Week 10 training - 17 weeks old September 21-27, 2023
9/28/23 Seven sit stay distractions
9/28/23 Seven CT down with calling over
9/28/23 Seven Cookie-tin scent Step 5 day 1
9/29/23 Seven Cookie-tin scent discrimination Step 5 Day 2
9/29/23 Seven back onto platform 1
9/29/23 Seven Back onto platform 2
9/29/23 Seven left and right finishes - switch
9/29/23 Seven send to perch
9/29/23 Seven Motivational recalls
9/29/23 Seven Rhythm Heeling
9/30/23 Seven perch work sending
9/30/23 Seven Cookie-tin scent work Step 6 day 1
9/30/23 Seven front work and around finish with platform
10/3/23 Seven and lick mat
10/3/23 Seven back onto platform
10/3/23 Seven fronts
10/3/23 Seven scoot sits & tall sits
10/3/23 Seven sit stay circling, intro down stay
10/3/23 Seven cookie tin scent Step 6 Day 2
10/4/23 Seven rhythm heeling , play running, intro to fast
10/4/23 Seven small circles intro
10/4/23 Seven back and forth go outs
10/4/23 Seven target marking duration
10/4/23 Seven articles step 7 part 1
10/4/23 Seven articles step 7 part 2
Recap of Week 11 training - 18 Weeks old September 28 - October 4, 2023
10/5/23 Seven CT down and marking duration
10/5/23 Seven article mat day 2
10/5/23 Seven Maneuvers
10/8/23 Zoom Seven training - back onto platform, send to perch, Stay work - sit stay with call to left and right side finishes; down stay; stand stay; Marking duration; Heeling - small circles around chairs; Get Readies; rally skills
10/9/23 Seven article mat day 3
10/9/23 Seven casting to TNT, whistle work
10/9/23 Seven Rhythm Heeling and small circles
10/9/23 Seven Slow intro and Fast and Get Readies
10/10/23 Seven front work
10/10/23 Seven article mat
10/10/23 Choreography and Get Readies and circles into Fig 8s
10/10/23 Seven 4 Cone retrieves
10/11/23 Seven article mat with leather Day 1
10/11/23 Seven article take and hold work
2023 10 11 Seven Find heel with distractions
2023 10 11 Seven sit stay distractions, walk bys, sit for exam
2023 10 11 Cookie-toss sits and back onto platform
Recap of Week 12 training - 19 Weeks old October 5 - 11, 2023
2023 10 12 Seven spins into set ups, choreography and get readies no audio
2023 10 12 Seven white toys near cone, long line, audio lost part way through
10/13/23 Seven article and dumbbell lifts and pickups from a shoe box
10/14/23 Seven article and dumbbell lift and hold
10/14/23 Seven ring entries, Rally novice course
10/14/23 Seven ring entry, set ups, choreography, sit for exams, recall
10/14/23 Seven parts of Beginner Novice
10/16/23 Seven DJ & ROHJ
10/16/23 Seven pace changes slow fast
10/16/23 Seven Find heel, rhythm heeling, fig 8s
10/16/23 Seven recall work
10/17/23 Seven dumbbell and article lifts:holds
10/17/23 Seven article mat
10/17/23 Seven cone bumpers
10/17/23 Seven cookie-toss and whistle sits
10/17/23 Seven perch send and DJ
2023 10 18 Seven pivots both sides & Fronts
2023 10 18 Seven finishes and conformation stacking stand stay
2023 10 18 Seven pickup and holds
Recap of Week 13 training - 20 Weeks old Oct 12-18, 2023
10/19/23 Seven article and dumbbell pickups and pickups from the article mat - big break through day!
10/19/23 Seven DJ and ROHJ
10/19/23 Seven Heeling duration, fig 8s, pace changes
10/20/23 Seven pickups, articles, db retrieves
10/20/23 Seven whistle sits (slow motion by mistake)
10/20/23 Seven back onto platform, send to perch, CT down
10/20/23 Seven finishes
10/22/23 Seven whistle sits and perch work
10/22/23 Seven articles and dumbbell
10/23/23 Seven whistle sits
10/23/23 Seven circle a chair
10/23/23 Seven fronts and finishes
10/24/23 Seven whistle sits
10/24/23 Seven dumbbell returns, fronts with dumbbell, motivational recalls
10/24/23 Seven perch work with sits, heeling, start about turns
10/25/23 Seven chair circle and whistle sits
10/26/23 Seven Heeling turns
10/26/23 Seven back and forth go outs
Recap of Week 14 training - 21 Weeks old October 19-25, 2023 #Seven
10/28/23 Seven Heeling, turns, introduce halts
10/28/23 Seven casting and whistle sits
10/28/23 Seven Directed Jumping
10/29/23 Zoom Seven training - articles; heeling (rhythm, Figure 8s, turns, halts); stand stay and down stay; finishes; adding a fetch command to DB in my hand; and circling a chair and adding a couple of broad jump boards.
10/30/23 Seven whistle sits
10/30/23 Seven adding FETCH command
10/31/23 Seven scent articles
10/31/23 Seven heeling, turns and pace changes
10/31/23 cookie toss down and other position changes
10/31/23 Seven holding leather glove on my hand
11/1/23 Seven glove hold
11/1/23 Seven running an advanced rally course
Recap of Week 15 training - 22 Weeks old Oct 26-Nov 1, 2023
11/2/23 Seven cookie-toss down, stand, sit, pivots, finishes
11/2/23 Seven glove hold on table
11/2/23 Seven whistle sits with perch
11/2/23 Seven heeling turns
11/2/23 Seven heeling pace changes
11/2/23 Seven heeling halts
11/2/23 Seven heeling Figure 8s
11/3/23 Seven glove hold, fetch work
11/3/23 Seven stacking and stand stay
11/3/23 Seven Sit stay and down stay - audio issues
11/3/23 Seven Whistle sits, perch and platform casting (no audio 😩)
11/3/23 Seven Fronts no audio 😩
11/5/23 Seven glove hold
11/5/23 Seven stay work
11/5/23 Seven whistle sits
11/6/23 Seven mark/blind combinations
11/7/23 Seven heeling
11/7/23 Seven Rally call front exercises
11/7/23 Seven cookie-toss down, stand, sits, stacking
11/7/23 Seven Rally straight-line cone exercises
11/8/23 Seven articles on mat FAIL
11/8/23 Seven Around the Clock scent discrimination Week 1 Day 1 (W1D1) part 1
11/8/23 Seven Around the Clock scent discrimination Week 1 Day 1 (W1D1) part 2
11/8/23 Seven stand, cookie-toss recalls, finishes, fronts
11/8/23 Seven stacking and gaiting for conformation
Recap of Week 16 training - 23 Weeks old Nov 2-8, 2023
11/9/23 Seven Around the Clock Day 2 Wood-Leather-Metal
11/9/23 Seven go-outs, Directed Jumping
11/9/23 Seven whistle sits
11/10/23 Seven Around the Clock Scent Discrimination W3D1
11/10/23 Seven rally course @ Sportsmen's match
11/10/23 Seven obedience ring time, conformation exams
11/11/23 Seven Around the Clock Scent Discrimination Week 3 Day 2 (actual day 4)
11/11/23 Seven glove hold, dumbbell & paint roller hold, mild proofing with dumbbell hold
11/11/23 Seven whistle sits and perch work
11/12/23 Seven Zoom training session - ItsYerChoice, Around the Clock Scent Discrimination Week 3 Day 3, Heeling, Halts, back and forth go-outs, Directed Jumping
11/13/23 Seven Around the Clock Scent Discrimination Week 4 Day 1 Metal Leather Wood
11/13/23 Seven sit stay, down stay, Rally sit and down stay-walk around, stand stay
11/13/23 Seven down and stand facing me
11/14/23 Seven Around the Clock Scent Discrimination Week 4 Day 2 Leather Wood Metal
11/14/23 Seven delivering a paint roller to hand with platform, adding corrections to whistle sits on long line
11/14/23 Seven right side leash work and sits
11/15/23 Seven Around the Clock Scent Discrimination Week 4 Day 3 Wood Metal Leather
11/15/23 Seven whistle sits, stand/down (flakey audio)
11/15/23 Seven paint roller hold @ Toledo KC
11/15/23 Seven dumbbell
11/15/23 Seven heeling, Figure 8s, stand stay, down stay @ Toledo KC
11/15/23 Seven double long-line sits with a helper (1st lesson)
Recap of Week 17 training - 24 Weeks old November 9-15
11/16/23 Seven Around the Clock Scent Discrimination Week 5 Day 1 Metal Leather Wood
11/18/23 Seven Around the Clock Scent Discrimination Week 5 Day 3 Wood Metal Leather
11/18/23 Seven paint roller hold, carry, and platform delivery - no audio :-(
11/18/23 Seven down and stand in chute; starting to add down signal - no audio :-(
11/18/23 Seven whistle sits on long lines (with tree as helper)
11/18/23 Seven stand alone marks
11/19/23 Seven paint roller hold, carry and deliveries onto platform
11/19/23 Seven stand and down in big chute
11/20/23 Seven Around the Clock Scent Discrimination Week 6 Day 2
11/20/23 Seven roller hold and deliveries
11/20/23 Seven stand stay with hand pressure
11/20/23 Seven fronts and finishes
11/21 23 Seven Around the Clock Scent Discrimination Week 6 Day 3
11/21/23 Seven roller and dumbbell holds, deliveries, pivot/perch work at side
11/21/23 Seven sits with corrections, call to heel/finishes
11/21/23 Seven cookies on table hold of dumbbell and roller
Recap of Week 18 training - 25 Weeks old Nov 16-22
11/22/23 Seven Around the Clock Scent Discrimination Week 7 Day 1 - lots of mistakes
11/22/23 Seven cookies on the table hold of dumbbell and roller; roller deliveries
11/22/23 Seven pivots both sides with perch
11/22/23 Seven stand & down with PVC chute
11/22/23 Seven stand alone marks at airport field
11/22/23 Seven field heeling and sits
11/23/23 Seven stacking practice
11/23/23 Seven cookies on table roller hold
11/23/23 Seven down & stand; pivots with perch
11/23/23 Seven two long lines whistle sits
11/23/23 Seven stacking and exams
11/27/23 Seven articles
11/27/23 Seven dumbbell and roller holds and deliveries
11/27/23 Seven pivots both sides
11/28/23 Seven Directed jumping
11/28/23 Seven mark/cone blinds
11/28/23 Seven whistle sits inside with e-collar
11/28/23 Seven platform call to heel and bumper holds
Recap of Week 19 training - 26 Weeks old
11/29/23 Seven articles
11/29/23 Seven e-collar on come
11/29/23 Seven target marking and pivots
11/30/23 Seven down and stand in chute
11/30/23 Seven come and whistle sits with e-collar
11/30/23 Seven bumper hold, stationary and in motion
12/3/23 Seven Zoom training session
12/4/23 Seven fetch and hold
12/4/23 Seven holding blind work, marks, roller hold and carry, come work
12/5/23 Seven go outs and directed jumping
12/5/23 Seven heeling with toy on floor, Figure 8s
12/5/23 Seven stand and down
12/6/23 Seven field obedience, roller hold and fetch
12/6/23 Seven heeling @ Ann Arbor Dog Training Club
12/6/23 Seven Directed Jumping @ Ann Arbor Dog Training Club
12/6/23 Seven rally novice course
12/7/23 Seven E-collar recall work with distractions
12/7/23 Seven pivots without and with roller, force fetch
12/7/23 Seven stand/down and sit signal
12/7/23 Find heel with Treat & Train on floor as distraction and reward
12/7/23 65-foot go outs to targets
12/7/23 Seven directed jumping
12/8/23 Seven sit signal
12/8/23 Seven hold and fetch - several corrections
12/8/23 Seven first set of marks (lots of helicopter noise) walking singles
12/8/23 Seven 2nd set of walking singles
12/8/23 Seven fetch session 2 - much better!
12/9/23 Seven side switching, pivots, fetch
12/11/23 Seven e-collar on fetch
12/11/23 Seven sit signal, down, stand
12/11/23 Seven Beginner Novice sit stay walk around, stand stay
12/11/23 Seven fronts
12/12/23 Seven articles - hot mess!
12/12/23 Seven stand stays and sit stay walk around
12/12/23 Seven Heeling
12/12/23 Seven recalls
12/12/23 Seven, Tigger, Jag on field walk - her 1st away from home
12/12/23 Seven roller fetch
12/13/23 Seven fetch on table
12/13/23 Seven sit stay distractions and sit and stand for exam
12/13/23 Seven heeling @ Ann Arbor Dog Training Club
12/13/23 Seven running rally course
12/14/23 Seven roller fetch on table
12/14/23 Seven stacking practice
12/14/23 Seven position changes / sit down stand practice
12/14/23 Seven and my other dogs on off-leash run in a nearby field
12/14/23 Seven Novice run through at a match in my training building
12/16/23 Seven staggered triple set up as singles (with one gunner), holding blind work
12/17/23 Seven Open ring choreography (moving from exercise location to location) and some Novice exercises
12/17/23 Seven Novice run through @ Ann Arbor Dog Training Club match
12/21/23 Seven finishes, pivots, motivating roller fetch
12/26/23 Seven position changes and signals
12/26/23 Seven perch whistle sits, fronts, finishes, rally call front/finish work
Not much training...
12/28/23 Seven lip pinch and e-collar fetch
12/29/23 Seven e-collar fetch table AM session
12/29/23 Seven set ups, finishes, fronts
12/29/23 Seven position changes
12/29/23 Seven e-collar fetch on table session 2
12/30/23 Seven e-collar fetch on table
12/31/23 Seven e-collar fetch on table
12/31/23 Seven fetch on floor
1/2/24 Seven Field run with whistle sits
1/2/24 Seven's 3 cone blind set up at Ann Arbor Dog Training Club
1/2/24 Seven position changes at Ann Arbor Dog Training Club
1/2/24 Seven Directed Jumping at Ann Arbor Dog Training Club
1/3/24 Seven Rhythm Heeling, slow, about turns, star drill, Figure 8s
1/3/24 Seven Stand Stay walk around
1/3/24 Seven back and forth go outs
1/3/24 Seven Dumbbell recalls
1/4/24 Seven Sit stay distractions and exams
1/4/24 Seven attention with distractions and ring entries
1/5 - 1/7/24 I was away without Seven!
1/8/24 Seven attention, maneuvers, and finishes outside at Saline post office
1/9/24 Seven roller fetch session 1
1/9/24 Seven maneuvers and heeling
1/9/24 Seven dumbbell recalls
1/9/24 Seven remote fetch session 2
1/11/24 Seven heel position attention with distractions
1/11/24 Seven heeling with a "judge" in the ring following us
1/11/24 Seven remote fetch and walking fetch
1/12/24 Seven field trip to Tractor Supply
1/13/24 Seven walking fetch, turns after fetch, building a pile of rollers
1/13/24 Seven send to perch, whistle sits, casting to single roller
1/13/24 Seven dumbbell recalls and throwing dumbbell into corner to motivate return
1/13/24 Seven heeling, Figure 8s, left spirals
1/14/24 Zoom training with Adele & Seven part 1
1/14/24 Zoom training with Adele & Seven part 2
1/14/24 Zoom training with Adele & Seven part 3
1/16/24 Seven walking fetch with bumpers for the 1st time - lots of errors!
1/16/24 Seven heeling - big circles and serpentines; left and right turns. Audio cut out part way through.
1/16/24 Seven position changes - zero audio :-(
1/16/24 Seven head push to palm - no audio - see text explanation
1/16/24 Seven chin rest to stanchion - no audio - see text explanation
1/17/24 Seven doodling at Lowe's
1/17/24 Seven walking fetch with bumpers
1/17/24 Seven 2 hand-thrown triples
1/17/24 Seven head push into palm
1/17/24 Seven chin to stanchion
New Recap of Week 26 training - 33 Weeks old Jan 11-17, 2024
1/18/24 Seven walking fetch with bumpers, adding turns, building a pile
1/18/24 Seven a sort of Novice fun match run #1
1/18/24 Seven ring entry and exit
1/18/24 Seven a sort of Novice fun match run #2 - with explanations
1/19/24 Seven position changes, fronts and finishes
1/20/24 Seven walking fetch with a variety of bumpers --> building a pile --> remote fetch
1/21/24 Seven 1st Novice run through @ Toledo KC obedience match
1/21/24 Seven 2nd Novice run through @ Toledo KC obedience match
1/22/24 Seven walking pile fetch, remote pile fetch, triple
1/23/24 Seven bumper delivery, remote pile work, bumper recalls for speed
1/23/24 Seven Directed Jumping part 1
1/23/24 Seven Directed Jumping part 2
1/24/24 Seven Force to pile lesson 1, front perch work with some distance
Recap of Week 27 training - 34 Weeks/7 months old January 18-24, 2024
1/25/24 Seven perch work fronts and Force to pile lesson 2
1/25/24 Seven position changes
1/26/24 Seven Force to pile
1/30/24 Seven Force to Pile outside in snow storm
1/30/24 Seven ring entries
1/30/24 Seven "judge" walk bys and sit for exams
1/30/24 Seven Directed Jumping
1/31/24 Seven Force to Pile outside #2
1/31/24 Seven cookie-toss down
1/31/24 Seven two ball game introduction
Recap of Week 28 training - 35 Weeks/8 months old
2/1/24 Seven ring entries and heeling with "judge"
2/1/24 Seven Beginner Novice sit for exams; Novice recalls with person along her path
2/1/24 Seven chin touch to stanchion
2/1/24 Seven Beginner Novice sit stay walk around ring introduction
2/1/24 Seven two ball game lesson 2
2/3/24 Seven Force to Pile her at 14 to 30 yds
2/3/24 Seven hand thrown triple
2/3/24 Seven Novice/Beginner Novice run through @ Toledo KC
2/4/24 Seven Zoom training session
2/6/24 Seven Force to Pile
2/7/24 Seven Force to Pile
2/7/24 Seven hand thrown triple
2/7/24 Seven Rally course
Recap of Week 29 training - 36 Weeks old
2/8/24 Seven Drop on Recall work
2/8/24 Seven Force to Pile in back yard (location 2)
2/9/24 Walking Singles at the Ann Arbor airport
2/11/24 A visit to Cabela's
2/11/24 Seven Force to Pile final session part 1
2/11/24 Seven Force to Pile final session part 2
2/11/24 Seven hand thrown triple
2/12/24 Seven Hand thrown triple
2/13/24 Seven Cookie-toss down
2/13/24 Seven Heeling
2/14/24 Seven Sit to Pile 3rd lesson part 1
2/14/24 Seven Sit to Pile 3rd lesson part 2
2/14/24 Seven hand-thrown triple
Recap of Week 30 training - 37 Weeks/8 months old
2/15/24 Seven Sit to Pile 4th lesson
2/15/24 Seven Drop on Recall work with some proofing
2/15/24 Seven dumbbell work
2/15/24 Seven whistle sit to pile (single rep)
2/16/24 Seven Beginner Novice run through at Sportsmen's match
2/16/24 Seven Rally at Sportsmen's match
2/16/24 Seven Y-drill with Fritz throwing
2/17/24 Seven building the back pile for Three Handed Casting part 1
2/17/24 Seven building the back pile for Three Handed Casting part 2
2/18/24 Seven Y Drill
2/18/24 Seven 4 cone blinds
2/18/24 Seven Zoom training
2/19/24 Seven Three-Handed Casting day 2 part 1
2/19/24 Seven Three-Handed Casting Day 2 part 2 left over pile
2/20/24 Seven Three-Handed Casting Day 3 part 1
2/20/24 Seven Three-Handed Casting Day 3 part 2
2/21/24 Seven Three-handed Casting Day 4 part 1
2/21/24 Seven Three-Handed Casting Day 4 part 2
2/21/24 Seven Rally course
2/22/24 Seven Three-Handed Casting Day 5 part 1
2/22/24 Seven Three-Handed Casting Day 5 part 2
2/22/24 Seven holding blind work and hand-thrown triple
2/22/24 Seven novice (sort of) match
2/23/24 Seven Advanced T Day 1 part 1
2/23/24 Seven Advanced T Day 1 part 2
2/26/24 Seven Advanced T Day 2
2/27/24 Seven Advanced T Day 3 part 1
2/27/24 Seven Advanced T Day 3 part 2
2/28/24 Seven Advanced T Day 4
2/28/24 Seven retrieves a duck
2/28/24 Seven Signals/Command Discrimination with guides
2/28/24 Seven Drop on Recall with go outs to perch
2/28/24 Seven Rally course
2/29/24 Seven Advanced T Day 5 part 1
2/29/24 Seven Advanced T Day 5 part 2
2/29/24 Seven hand-thrown triple
2/29/24 Seven steadiness drill
2/29/24 Seven Signals/Command Discrimination with person nearby/walking around
3/1/24 Seven Y-Drill marking
3/2/24 Seven Advanced T Day 6
3/3/24 Seven long/short singles in Double Drill set up
3/3/24 Seven Zoom training:
3/4/24 Seven Advanced T Day 7
3/5/24 Seven Advanced T Day 8 part 1
3/5/24 Seven Advanced T Day 8 part 2
3/5/24 Seven Signals/Command Discrimination
3/5/24 Seven Drop on Recall 2 barriers
3/6/24 Seven Advanced T Day 9 part 1
3/6/24 Seven Advanced T Day 9 part 2
3/6/24 Seven close up showing location of cone blinds
3/6/24 Seven cone blinds
3/6/24 Seven Rally course
3/7/24 Seven Drop on Recall with 2 barriers
3/8/24 Seven Advanced T day 10 part 1
3/8/24 Seven Advanced T Day 10 part 2
3/8/24 Seven Heeling, recalls, Directed Jumping at Cleveland All-Breed Training Club pre-trial ring time
3/11/24 Seven Advanced T Day 11 Step 5
3/11/24 Seven steady drill
3/12/24 Seven steadiness and bumper deliveries
3/12/24 Seven Advanced T Day 11 step 6
3/13/24 Seven hand thrown triple with ducks
3/14/24 Seven Advanced T Day 13 part 1
3/14/24 Seven Advanced T Day 13 part 2 disciplined casting
3/14/24 Seven hand thrown triple
3/14/24 Seven Drop on Recall
3/14/24 Seven Signals and Command Discrimination
3/14/24 Seven Stacking practice for conformation
3/14/24 Seven conformation with exams
3/15/24 Seven Advanced T Day 14 Step 7 part 1
3/15/24 Seven Advanced T Day 14 Step 7 part 2
3/16/24 Seven Advanced T Day 15 part 1
3/16/24 Seven Advanced T Day 15 part 2
3/17/24 Seven Advanced T day 16 part 1
3/17/24 Seven Advanced T Day 16 part 2
3/19/24 Seven Come-in Whistle Drill - Carol Cassity's "Building a Retriever" PP 88-89
3/19/24 Seven hand thrown triple with in-line marks
3/20/24 Seven Advanced T Day 17 part 1
3/20/24 Seven Advanced T Day 17 part 2
3/23/24 Seven Find Heel @ Heeling Camp in NC
3/23/24 Seven slow prance
3/28/24 Seven long entry water mark in SC
3/28/24 Seven meeting decoys, land single marks from Thunder launchers
3/28/24 Seven 3rd land mark from thunder launcher
3/30/24 Seven water marks with exit onto land 1st lesson
3/31/24 Seven WC double practice
3/31/24 Seven WC land double practice 2
3/31/24 Seven water mark with failed return
3/31/24 Seven water mark 2
4/1/24 Seven water mark 1
4/1/24 Seven water mark 2 & 3 with exit onto land
4/2/24 Seven marks in the woods series 1
4/2/24 Seven woods mark 2
4/4/24 Seven cold double
4/5/24 Seven Working Certificate test water marks
4/6/24 Seven JH land mark 1
4/6/24 Seven JH land mark 2
4/6/24 Seven JH water mark 1
4/7/24 Seven FCRSA Unsteady Singles B 1st Series
4/7/24 Seven FCRSA Unsteady Singles B 2nd Series
4/7/24 FCRSA Unsteady Singles B 3rd Series
4/7/24 Seven wins FCRSA Unsteady Singles B!
4/8/24 Seven Rally ring time (practice) at National Specialty in Ocala, FL
4/10/24 Seven Rally Novice 1st leg
4/13/24 Seven Find Heel demo at Orlando DTC seminar
4/13/24 Seven Cookie-toss down discussion and demo at Orlando DTC seminar
4/13/24 Seven attention distractions explained and demoed at Orlando DTC seminar
4/13/24 Seven Look (mark a target/look ahead), back & forth go-outs explanation and demo at Orlando DTC seminar
4/13/24 Seven position changes explanation and Kick-back stand at Orlando DTC seminar
4/13/24 Seven more position changes explanations at Orlando DTC seminar
4/13/24 Seven Rhythm Heeling intro at Orlando DTC seminar
4/13/24 Seven send to perch and sits with front paws on perch at Orlando DTC seminar
4/13/24 Seven warm up demo at Orlando DTC seminar
4/14/24 Seven circle and Figure 8 demos at Orlando DTC seminar
4/18/24 Seven Advanced T part 1
4/18/24 Seven Advanced T part 2
4/20/24 Seven Advanced T part 1
4/20/24 Seven Advanced T part 2
4/20/24 Seven hand-thrown triple with oops 4th bumper (my bad!)
4/21/24 Seven Clockwork drill, phase 2
4/21/24 Seven swish drill with stand along marks
4/23/24 Seven back and forth go outs with bed risers
4/23/24 Seven Clockwork setups and finishes
4/23/24 Seven dumbbell
4/23/24 Seven Signals & Command Discrimination
4/24/24 Seven Rally course
4/25/24 Seven Advanced T disciplined casting
4/27/24 Seven marks with send back to pile
4/28/24 Seven disciplined casting with closer side piles
4/28/24 Seven marks from Thunder launcher with cone blinds before and after
4/29/24 Seven Clockwork with treats then bumper
4/29/24 Seven disciplined casting
4/30/24 Seven Command Discrimination and Signals with Treat & Train
4/30/24 Seven Directed Jumping
5/1/24 Land set up at Jorgensen's area 6
5/1/24 Seven getting water mark (very windy/noisy)
5/1/24 Seven's longer land entry
5/2/24 Seven Advanced T part 1
5/2/24 Seven Advanced T part 2
5/4/24 Seven Scattered Bumper Drill round 1 @ Ann Arbor Airport
5/4/24 Seven Scattered Bumper Drill round 2 @ Ann Arbor Airport
5/5/24 Seven Zoom training
5/6/24 Seven Scattered Bumper Drill part 1 @ SMHRC grounds
5/6/24 Seven Scattered Bumper Drill part 2 @ SMHRC grounds
5/8/24 Seven Scattered Bumper Drill part 1 @ Jorgensen's
5/8/24 Seven Scattered Bumper Drill part 2 @ Jorgensen's
5/8/24 Seven water marks on and over point; land marks
5/10/24 Seven Staggered Triple as singles middle, right, left
5/10/24 Seven double
5/10/24 Seven blind/mark/blind combos
5/10/24 blind/mark/blind combos
5/10/24 Seven water marks
5/11/24 Seven intro to broad jump @ Hamilton DTC seminar
5/13/24 Seven Scattered Bumper Drill
5/13/24 Seven ABCD marking drill
5/13/24 Seven water pile and water stall (whistle sits in water)
5/14/24 Seven Scattered Bumper Drill 1
5/14/24 Seven Water pile/water stall
5/15/24 Seven water pile/stall 2
5/17/24 Seven water stall @ AADTC pond
5/20/24 Seven Swish Drill mark & blind combos
5/20/24 Seven left overs 1
5/20/24 Seven left overs 2
5/23/24 Seven Signals & Position changes/Command Discrimination
5/23/24 Seven Heeling & Figure 8s
5/23/24 Seven glove pickups
5/23/24 Seven Retrieve over High Jump
5/23/24 Seven Broad Jump
5/23/24 Seven Signals and position changes
5/24/24 Seven Scattered Bumper Drill with 5 piles (vs. 7)
5/26/24 Seven Zoom training
5/28/24 Seven Broad Jump
5/28/24 Seven fronts and finishes
5/28/24 Seven Rhythm heeling and halts
5/28/24 Seven Retrieve over High Jump
5/29/24 Seven cross a peninsula water mark with help
5/29/24 Seven swim-by - left overs 1
5/29/24 Seven left and right overs 2
5/29/24 Seven Rally course 1
5/29/24 Seven Rally course 2 - off leash!
5/30/24 Seven mini T for over work
5/30/24 Seven Broad Jump - back ground barking
5/30/24 Seven Retrieve on Flat and Retrieve over High Jump with sit stay
5/30/24 Seven Signals & Position changes with pressure from person walking
5/30/24 Seven Novice Stand for Exam cold
5/30/24 Seven conformation stacking
5/31/24 Seven mini T for overs and disciplined casting
5/31/24 Seven KRD with ducks and cones at Ann Arbor Airport
6/1/24 Seven swim-by
6/1/24 Seven Key Relationship Drill with cones and ducks at Jorgensen's
6/3/24 Seven marks without holding tab
6/3/24 Seven re-entry water mark
6/3/24 Seven swim by 1
6/3/24 Seven swim by 2
6/3/24 Seven mark and cone blind
6/4/24 Seven broad jump
6/4/24 Seven Directed Jumping
6/4/24 Seven Drop on Recall adding 2nd barrier
6/4/24 Seven glove work
6/4/24 Seven Rhythm Heeling and About turn/Left turns off leash
6/5/24 Seven mini T for casting work
6/5/24 Seven front paw target
6/5/24 Seven back paw targeting
6/5/24 Seven Drop on Recall with 2 barriers
6/5/24 Seven Stand for Exam 1st time cold
6/5/24 Seven marking with Treat & Train
6/6/24 Seven Scattered Bumper Drill with 3 piles @ Ann Arbor Dog Training Club
6/6/24 Seven baby Hunter's drill
6/7/24 Seven slot blinds (slots made with decoys) with cone targets
6/8/24 Seven Swim-by
6/8/24 Seven 1st arc of cold land blinds
6/8/24 Seven water marks, water sight blind, land cone blind
6/10/24 Seven arc of 6 cold land blinds with ducks
6/10/24 Seven Key Relationship Drill with cones
6/11/24 Seven Scattered Bumper Drill
6/11/24 Seven Swim by 1 @ Ann Lynn's pond
6/11/24 Seven Swim by 2 @ Ann Lynn's
6/12/24 Seven holding blind obedience
6/12/24 Seven holding blind obedience 2 with gun shots
6/12/24 Seven water & land marks, including first walk-up
6/12/24 Seven 6 land blinds @ Pat's
6/12/24 showing Seven's 1st water blinds
6/12/24 Seven 1st water blinds (camera wrong direction)
6/12/24 Seven water blinds continued - this time with the camera the right direction!
6/12/24 Seven last water blind, start of swim-by and comments
6/13/24 Seven land and water marks (with big cheat on return)
6/13/24 Seven cast over into water (to right)
6/13/24 Seven water blinds (wind noise)
6/14/24 Converging horizon land marks with ducks
6/14/24 Seven Hunter's Drill on Carol's pond
6/14/24 Seven cheating singles @ Carol Young's pond
6/15/24 Seven JH leg 2 - land marks
6/15/24 Seven JH leg 2 - water marks
6/16/24 Seven end of sight blind on stick pond at Hambden Nursery
6/16/24 Seven walk around land blinds with ducks
6/16/24 Seven water blinds @ Ann's
6/17/24 Seven land marks
6/17/24 Seven Key Relationship Drill on water
6/17/24 Seven blind drill on water with swim-by
6/18/24 Seven 2 channel marks
6/18/24 Seven water double @ Carol's
6/18/24 Seven 3 water blinds @ Carol's
6/19/24 Seven land marks @ Pat's
6/19/24 Seven blind with diversion bird on return
6/19/24 Seven 4 land blinds
6/19/24 Seven water double and blind
6/20/24 Seven land marks - steady work and blind
6/20/24 Seven 3 pile Scattered Bumper Drill
6/20/24 Seven Hunter's Drill 1 (before spooking at drain pipe and bolting)
6/20/24 Seven Hunter's Drill 2 - getting spooked and bolting and what I did afterwards
6/21/24 Seven holding blind obedience
6/21/24 Seven land marks including walk-up double with duck memory bird
6/21/24 Seven cheating singles with brief bolt on first return
6/21/24 Seven 5 water blinds at Carol's
6/21/24 Seven hand thrown water double
6/24/24 Cast Off Drill next door set up
6/24/24 Seven Rally Novice course
6/25/24 Seven Cast Off Drill Day 2 - lining to all stakes
6/25/24 Seven heeling, pace changes, turns
6/25/24 Seven Signals/Command Discrimination
6/25/24 Seven fronts and finishes
6/25/24 Seven Broad Jump
6/26/24 Seven Hunter's Drill/Swim-by Area 1
6/26/24 Seven marks and blinds set up
6/26/24 Seven honoring during Rookie's marks
6/26/24 Seven land blinds near scent
6/26/24 Seven water blinds on area 5
6/27/24 Seven Cast Off Drill day 3
6/27/24 Seven Directed Jumping
6/27/24 Seven Drop on Recall proofing
6/27/24 Seven back onto platform for stacking
6/27/24 Seven fronts
6/28/24 Seven Cast Off Drill Day 4
6/28/24 Seven land marks @ Ann Arbor airport
6/29/24 Seven HRC training day mark and land blind
6/29/24 Seven water blind @ HRC training day
6/30/24 Seven Zoom training session
7/1/24 Seven Cast Off Drill Day 5
7/1/24 Seven 3-peat blinds with marks
7/1/24 Seven water blind 1
7/1/24 Seven water blind 2
7/1/24 Seven water blind 3
7/2/24 Seven Cast Off Drill day 6
7/2/24 Seven Drop on Recall
7/2/24 Seven glove work
7/2/24 Seven Command Discrimination
7/3/24 Seven Cast Off Drill Day 7
7/3/24 Seven swim by review
7/3/24 Seven water blind
7/3/24 Seven water singles
7/3/24 Seven Rally Novice course
7/4/24 Seven Heeling, pace changes, turns
7/4/24 Seven Halts and Figure 8s
7/4/24 Seven fronts
7/4/24 Seven Directed Jumping
7/4/24 Seven water pile/stall/swim-by @ AADTC 1
7/4/24 Seven water pile/stall/swim by @ AADTC 2
7/7/24 Seven Cast Off Drill Day 7
7/7/24 Seven Land Key Relationship Drill
7/7/24 Seven water Key Relationship Drill part 1
7/7/24 Seven water Key Relationship Drill part 2
7/8/24 Seven blind drill
7/8/24 Seven V drill on water
7/9/24 Seven Fan Drill
7/9/24 Seven graduate novice exercises
7/9/24 Seven V drill in rain @ Ann Arbor Dog Training Club
7/10/24 Seven Heeling and Figure 8s
7/10/24 Seven Drop on Recall
7/10/24 Seven free stacking with platforms
7/10/24 Seven sit and stand for exam
7/10/24 Seven Broad Jump recalls
7/10/24 Seven Rally Novice course
7/11/24 Seven Y-drill (minus 1st mark)
7/11/24 Seven 3 water blinds
7/12/24 Seven 6 land blinds @ Ann Arbor Airport
7/14/24 Seven club training day marks
7/14/24 Seven water blinds at club training day
7/15/24 Seven V drill with swim by part 1
7/15/24 Seven V drill part 2
7/15/24 Seven obedience near water
7/16/24 Seven water Swish Drill on pond 6
7/17/24 Seven V drill
7/17/24 Seven 6 angled water blinds
7/18/24 Seven mark/blind combos @ Ann Arbor Airport
7/18/24 Seven blind redo
7/18/24 Seven Graduate Novice match 1
7/18/24 Seven Graduate Novice match 2
7/20/24 Seven JH leg 3 land mark 1
7/20/24 Seven JH leg 3 land mark 2
7/20/24 Seven JH leg 3 water marks
7/21/24 Seven JH leg 4 land marks
7/25/24 Seven 14 months old
8/3/24 set up
8/4/24 Seven Scattered Bumper Drill in front yard
8/5/24 Seven slot blinds
8/5/24 Seven poison bird to taught blind
8/5/24 Seven water marks and blinds
8/6/24 Seven dumbbell pickups
8/6/24 Seven finishes
8/6/24 Seven fronts with dumbbell
8/6/24 Seven heeling with a toy on the floor
8/6/24 Seven teaching moving stand stop
8/7/24 Seven V drill in water
8/7/24 Seven hand-thrown water double
8/7/24 Seven Rally Novice course
8/8/24 Seven 7 bumper lining drill 1st time
8/8/24 Seven dumbbell pickups with person nearby
8/8/24 Seven Drop on Recall with proofing
8/8/24 Seven rhythm heeling warm ups and spirals
8/8/24 Seven heeling with judge
8/9/24 Seven Scattered Bumper Drill
8/9/24 Seven 1st shoreline blind
8/9/24 Seven obedience with back to pond
8/9/24 Seven water blind
8/10/24 Seven 3-peat blinds with poison bird
8/10/24 Seven water stall
8/10/24 Seven water Key Relationship Drill
8/11/24 Seven land marks and blind
8/11/24 Seven water blinds
8/12/24 Seven walking singles across windrows
8/12/24 Seven water marks at Schram's
8/12/24 Seven water blinds @ Schram's
8/13/24 Seven Seven bumper lining drill
8/14/24 Seven land marks and blinds
8/14/24 Seven water delayed triple
8/14/24 Seven water blind
8/14/24 Seven Rally course 1
8/14/24 Seven Rally course 2
8/15/24 Seven Scattered Bumper Drill
8/15/24 Seven match (some Novice, some Open, some Graduate Novice)
8/15/24 Seven Novice match
8/16/24 Seven 6 land blinds @ AA Airport
8/20/24 Seven lining and casting in backyard
8/21/24 Seven land blinds across marks
8/21/24 Seven water blinds with cross winds
8/22/24 Seven position changes behind speed bump
8/22/24 Seven stacking on two platforms
8/22/24 Seven glove holds and pivots
8/22/24 Seven heeling spirals, circles, Figure 8s
8/22/24 Seven Rally downs and other rally skills
8/23/24 Seven land blinds @ airport
8/27/24 Seven 7 Bumper Lining Drill in front yard
8/29/24 Seven hip-pocket land marks and blinds in Veyvay IN bowl
8/29/24 Seven long land blind in Vevay bowl
8/29/24 Seven and Tigger water session
9/1/24 Seven middle land mark teaching @ Carol Cassity seminar
9/1/24 Seven shoreline marks
9/1/24 Seven head down
9/2/24 Seven Key Relationship Drill at Carol Cassity seminar
9/2/24 a couple of lovely photos of Seven by Barbara Reed
9/4/24 Seven Scattered Bumper Drill casting
9/4/24 Seven rally course
9/1/24 Seven teaching middle land mark @ Carol Cassity seminar
9/6/24 Seven Rally Novice leg 2 - Rally
9/6/24 Seven Rally Novice leg 3 - title! - Rally
9/10/24 Seven Figure 8s with toys on floor
9/10/24 Seven head down
9/10/24 Seven Rally jumping with Treat & Train
9/11/24 Seven Hunter's Drill @ Ann Arbor Dog Training Club pond
9/11/24 Seven Rally course
9/14/24 Seven water blind lesson with Kevin Cheff
9/14/24 Seven water pile lesson with Kevin Cheff
9/14/24 Seven end of water pile lesson with Kevin Cheff
9/15/24 Seven land whistle sit check up
9/15/24 Seven water stall day after KC lesson
9/17/24 Seven head down
9/17/24 Seven heeling & Figure 8s with toys on floor --> Offset Figure 8s
9/17/24 Seven Rally jumps
9/17/24 Seven water stall @ Ann Arbor Dog Training Club pond
9/18/24 California Drill explanation
9/18/24 Seven California Drill
9/18/24 Seven water stall
9/18/24 Seven land water triple
9/18/24 Seven Rally course
9/18/24 Seven Rally 2 Week 3 course run
9/19/24 Seven fan drill
9/19/24 Seven Novice match run through
9/21/24 Seven stand alone/send back marks
9/21/24 Seven shoreline water blind
9/21/24 Seven water blind past points
9/22/24 Seven Rally match at AADTC
9/22/24 Seven Novice match @ AADTC
9/22/24 Seven Hunter's Drill @ AADTC
9/24/24 Seven Rally Advanced skills
9/24/24 Seven rally skills
9/25/24 Seven triple with naughty girl switching
9/25/24 Seven blinds across marks
9/25/24 Seven rally course run
9/26/24 Seven Rally down and stand skills
9/26/24 Seven heeling, recalls with judge, exams, Figure 8s
9/26/24 Seven stacking for 16 months photo
9/27/24 Seven 3-peat blinds - very windy!
9/27/24 Seven Y drill with send back marks
10/1/24 Seven Beginner Novice run through practice
10/1/24 Seven Figure 8s, rally backups
10/1/24 Seven fronts
10/1/24 Seven Rally position changes
10/2/24 California Drill set up
10/2/24 Seven California Drill part 1
10/2/24 Seven California Drill part 2
10/2/24 Seven Rally 2 Week 5 course run
10/3/24 Seven dumbbell holds
10/3/24 Seven lots of dumbbell hold work
10/3/24 Seven fronts
10/3/24 Seven halts
10/3/24 Seven recalls
10/8/24 Seven dumbbell hold with cookies on a table
10/8/24 Seven heeling and Figure 8s
10/8/24 Seven position changes
10/8/24 Seven back with stick/dowel
10/9/24 Seven rally course run
10/10/24 Seven heeling and rally skills
10/10/24 Seven recalls, fronts, finishes
10/10/24 Seven Figure 8s
10/10/24 Seven dumbbell
10/10/24 Seven recalls with judge
10/10/24 Seven exams
10/10/24 Seven heeling with commands from judge
10/10/24 Seven Figure 8s with judge
10/11/24 Seven lining and casting
10/12/24 Seven Advanced T part 1
10/12/24 Seven Advanced T part 2
10/12/24 Seven long walking singles @ Ella Sharpe park
10/13/24 Seven Rally course run @ match @ Northfield Dog Training
10/13/24 Seven Beginner Novice run through at match @ Northfield Dog Training
10/15/24 Seven agility jumping
10/15/24 Seven heeling & Figure 8s
10/15/24 Seven fronts & finishes
10/15/24 Seven downs, offset Figure 8s, stands
10/16/24 Seven dumbbell
10/16/24 Seven back and forth go outs
10/16/24 Seven back up for Rally
10/16/24 Seven heeling
10/16/24 Seven rally course run through
10/17/24 Seven dumbbell
10/17/24 Seven Rally downs and stands
10/19/24 Seven Advanced B leg 1 - Rally
10/20/24 Seven Advanced B leg 2 - Rally
10/20/24 Seven Beginner Novice leg 1
10/23/24 Seven Advanced T
10/23/24 Seven Rally course run 1
10/23/24 Seven rally course run 2
10/22/24 Seven check up of Open and Utility part 1
10/22/24 Seven check up of Open and Utility part 2
10/17/24 Seven heeling, Figure 8s, exams with judge
10/24/24 Seven conformation practice
10/24/24 Seven conformation gaiting with other dog
10/24/24 Seven conformation gaiting practice
10/24/24 Seven conformation exams
10/24/24 Seven Heeling, exams, recalls with judge
10/28/24 Seven conformation practice
10/29/24 Seven Rally skills
10/29/24 Seven conformation practice
10/30/24 Seven Rally 1 Week 1 course 2
10/30/24 Seven Rally 3 Week 1 course run
10/30/24 Seven stands and downs for Rally
10/31/24 Seven conformation practice
10/31/24 Seven go out chin rest and Directed Jumping
11/2/24 Seven 3rd Rally Advanced leg
11/3/24 Seven Rally Excellent leg 1
11/5/24 Seven Around the Clock Week 1 Day 1
11/5/24 Seven Down and Stand signals
11/5/24 Seven Signal Recalls
11/5/24 Seven heeling
11/5/24 Seven go outs and Directed Jumping
11/06/24 Seven 7 Bumper Lining Drill
11/6/24 Seven Around the Clock Week 1 Day 2
11/7/24 Seven heeling with commands
11/7/24 Seven Figure 8s
11/7/24 Seven kick-back stand on various props
11/7/24 Seven Stand for Exam with perch and without Moving stand
11/8/24 Seven Around the Clock Week 2 Day 1
11/8/24 Seven kick-back stand
11/8/24 Seven starting Linda Mecklenburg jumping
11/10/24 Seven Linda Mecklenburg jumping 2nd lesson
11/10/24 Seven Zoom training session
11/11/24 Seven Linda Mecklenburg jumping
11/11/24 Seven Around the Clock Week 2 Day 3
11/12/24 Seven Around the Clock Week 3 Day 1
11/12/24 Seven stands and rally skills
11/12/24 Seven fronts
11/12/24 Seven Signal recalls
11/13/24 Seven Around the Clock Week 3 Day 2
11/13/24 Seven Rally 3 Week 3 Excellent course
11/13/24 Seven Rally 1 Week 3 course run
11/14/24 Seven Around the Clock Week 3 Day 3
11/14/24 Seven Linda Mecklenburg jumping
11/14/24 Seven Fronts, adding dowels for side-passing
11/14/24 Seven heeling and Rally skills, lots of back up
11/14/24 Seven kick-back stands and exams
11/14/24 Seven Signal recall
11/14/24 Seven heeling with commands from judge
11/15/24 Seven Around the Clock Week 4 Day 1
11/16/24 Seven Rally Excellent leg 2
11/16/24 Seven Rally Excellent leg 3 - RE title
11/18/24 Seven Linda Mecklenburg jumping 4th lesson
11/18/24 Seven Around the Clock Week 4 Day 2
11/19/24 Seven fronts with dowels
11/19/24 Seven stacking gizmo
11/19/24 Seven Signal recall
11/19/24 Seven Around the Clock Week 4 Day 3
11/19/24 Seven Drop on Recall with 2 barriers
11/20/24 Seven Around the Clock Week 5 Day 1
11/20/24 Seven Linda Mecklenburg jumping 18"
11/20/24 Seven Heeling and Figure 8s
11/20/24 Seven Retrieve on Flat and Retrieve over High Jump (18")
11/20/24 Seven Broad Jump
11/20/24 Seven Drop on Recall with 2 barriers
11/21/24 Seven Around the Clock Week 5 Day 2
11/21/24 Seven Open match @ NDT
11/21/24 Seven Novice match
11/22/24 Seven Around the Clock Week 5 Day 3
11/22/24 Seven Heeling and progressive halts
11/22/24 Seven Figure 8s
11/22/24 Seven Linda Mecklenburg jumping 18-20"
11/22/24 Seven exams
11/22/24 Seven Signals
11/24/24 Seven Zoom Training
11/24/24 Seven Around the Clock Week 6 Day 2 - first with tied sets
11/24/24 Seven progressive halts (from Zoom training session)
11/24/24 Seven fronts with dowels (from Zoom training session)
11/24/24 Seven back ups for Rally Excellent and Master (from Zoom training session)
11/24/24 Seven Broad Jump
11/24/24 Seven Command Discrimination
11/25/24 Seven Around the Clock Week 6 Day 2 (first with tied sets)
11/26/24 Seven Around the Clock Week 6 Day 4
11/26/24 Seven Broad Jump
11/26/24 Seven gloves
11/26/24 Seven Command Discrimination
11/27/24 Seven Around the Clock Week 6 Day 5
11/27/24 Seven Command Discrimination
11/27/24 Seven fronts with dowels
11/27/24 Seven glove work
11/27/24 Seven Linda Mecklenburg jumping 18-20" bar
11/28/24 Seven Around the Clock Week 7 Day 1
11/28/24 Seven Figure 8s
11/28/24 Seven Command Discrimination with Fritz cueing from behind her
11/30/24 Seven Around the Clock Week 7 Day 2
11/30/24 Seven Broad Jump
11/30/24 Seven fronts with dowels
11/30/24 Seven gloves
2024 12 01 Seven's 1st Utility run through
12/02/24 Seven Around the Clock Week 7 Day 3
12/03/24 Seven Around the Clock Week 7 Day 4
12/3/24 Seven Broad Jump
12/3/24 Seven Heeling, stair steps, about turns, slows
12/3/24 Seven Figure 8s
12/2/24 Seven Linda Mecklenburg jumping @ 20"
12/4/24 Seven Around the Clock Week 8 Day 1
12/4/24 Seven Rally 1 Week 5 course
12/5/24 Seven articles
12/5/24 Seven Broad Jump
12/5/24 Seven Command Discrimination with judge
12/5/24 Seven gloves
12/5/24 Seven Novice and Utility Stand for Exam
12/5/24 Seven signal recalls
12/6/24 Seven articles
12/6/24 Seven exams
12/6/24 Seven Linda Mecklenburg jumping - adding 2nd jump
12/8/24 Seven chin rest go outs (part of Zoom training session)
12/8/24 Seven back ups for Rally
12/10/24 Seven Heeling
12/10/24 Seven articles with show set 1st time
12/10/24 Seven Directed Jumping
12/10/24 Seven fronts and finishes with gizmo
12/10/24 Seven Signals
12/12/24 Seven articles
12/12/24 Seven exams
12/12/24 Seven Linda Mecklenburg bounce jumps up to 22"
12/12/24 Seven signals with mild proofing
12/17/24 Seven Directed Jumping
12/17/24 Seven finishes with gizmo
12/17/24 Seven Retrieve on Flat
12/17/24 Seven signals
12/17/24 Seven articles
12/19/24 Seven articles
12/19/24 Seven Directed Jumping
12/19/24 Seven exams
12/19/24 Seven finishes with gizmo
12/19/24 Seven signals
12/20/24 Seven articles
12/20/24 Seven signals, head down work
12/20/24 Seven exams
12/20/24 Seven Linda Mecklenburg jumping 2 jumps
12/24/24 Seven Drop on Recall
12/24/24 Seven Linda Mecklenburg arc of jumps
12/24/24 Seven Retrieve over High Jump @ 22"
12/26/24 Seven articles
12/26/24 Seven gloves
12/26/24 Seven head down work, Drop on Recall
12/26/24 Seven arc of 3 jumps
12/26/24 Seven Retrieve over High Jump @ 22"
12/30/24 Seven Command Discrimination and Signals
12/30/24 Seven fronts and finishes with gizmo
12/30/24 Seven gloves, brief Directed Jumping in new ring
12/30/24 Seven Retrieve on Flat, Retrieve over High Jump, Broad Jump
12/31/24 Seven Open run through order II
12/31/24 Seven 1st Utility match
1/1/25 Seven back and forth go outs, a few jumps
1/5/25 Zoom training session with Adele & Seven
1/7/25 Seven glove pivots and retrieves
1/7/25 Seven articles
1/7/25 Seven heeling
1/7/25 Seven signals
1/8/25 Seven Rally 2 Week 1 course run
1/9/25 Seven heeling 5 minutes
1/9/25 Seven Linda Mecklenburg jumps
1/9/25 Seven Retrieve over High Jump 24" 1st time
1/9/25 Seven articles with Belinda
1/9/25 Seven stand for exam
1/10/25 Seven Utility B order III run through
1/14/25 Seven heeling
1/14/25 Seven Linda Mecklenburg jumping
1/14/25 Seven Retrieve on Flat and Retrieve over High Jump
1/14/25 Seven fronts and finishes with gizmo and without
1/15/25 Seven Rally 2 Week 2 course run
1/15/25 Seven Rally Master course
1/16/25 Seven Directed Jumping with chute jumps @ 18"
1/16/25 Seven Retrieve on Flat proofing
1/16/25 Seven Retrieve over High Jump
1/16/25 Seven go out chute work
1/16/25 Seven glove retrieves
1/16/25 Seven glove pivots
1/17/25 Seven warm up and heeling
1/17/25 Seven Linda Mecklenburg jumping to table
1/17/25 Seven glove retrieves for speed
1/17/25 Seven Retrieve on Flat proofing
1/19/25 Seven Zoom training
1/21/25 Seven circle a cone
1/21/25 Seven glove pivots with stick
1/21/25 Seven glove retrieves for speed
1/21/25 Seven signals
1/21/25 Seven Linda Mecklenburg Broad Jump work with Treat & Train
1/22/25 Seven circle a cone with me close
1/22/25 Seven Directed Jumping 18" jumps
1/22/25 Seven articles
1/22/25 Seven Drop on Recall with smaller barriers
1/23/25 Seven glove return speed
1/23/25 Seven circle a cone
1/23/25 Seven signal doodling - heel and stand
1/23/25 Seven heeling, Command Discrimination, Signals with judge
1/23/25 Seven exams - Beginner Novice, Novice, Moving Stand
1/27/25 Seven circle a cone
1/27/25 Seven signals
1/28/25 Seven signals
1/28/25 Seven circle cone -> Broad Jump
1/28/25 Seven glove pivots
1/28/25 Seven heeling
1/28/25 Seven Directed Jumping
1/29/25 Seven Drop on Recall no barriers
1/29/25 Seven Broad Jump cone farther out
1/29/25 Seven Heeling and Figure 8s, sit for exam
1/29/25 Seven Command Discrimination
1/29/25 Seven DOR revisited
1/30/25 Seven Utility B order IV run through
1/30/25 Seven Drop on Recall
1/30/25 Seven conformation practice
1/30/25 Seven conformation with longer collar
1/31/25 Seven glove pivots
1/31/25 Seven heeling
1/31/25 Seven Broad Jump
1/31/25 Seven Directed Jumping with judge in corners
2/1/25 Seven Utility B V run through at Toledo KC match
2/1/25 Seven Open B III At Toledo KC match
2/2/25 Seven Zoom training
2/4/25 Seven hold review
2/4/25 Seven articles
2/4/25 Seven Broad Jump
2/4/25 Seven heeling and Figure 8s
2/4/25 Seven fronts with dowels
2/5/25 Seven heeling & Figure 8s
2/5/25 Seven training at Toledo KC - Broad Jump, Figure 8s, Retrieve over High Jump, recalls
2/5/25 Seven Retrieve on Flat with judge commands