Do you want to eventually compete in obedience, rally, conformation, or hunt tests with your new puppy but don’t know where to start?
Do you struggle with knowing in what order you should be introducing skills?
Do you learn from watching someone else training their puppy?
Benefits of Joining the Bringing up Seven program
You will see author and long-time obedience instructor Adele Yunck applying her training techniques as the building blocks to the different sports she plans to compete in with her puppy.
You will get guidance about what to work on and when you should work on it. You
You will gain understanding of the ways in which skill sets overlap between sports.
You will see the ups and downs of living and working with a young puppy.
Pricing option for Bringing Up Seven - Gold
I don't actually have a Gold level - yet!
I don't have a computer. Can I do it on a phone or tablet?
Yes, although a very small phone screen might be difficult to see small details on.
How much experience do I need to participate?
Since I'm starting at the beginning with my puppy, you'll get to see all stages of training, so even if you are inexperienced, you should be able to follow along just fine. One of my super powers as an instructor is helping inexperienced trainers (and sometimes even experienced trainers) to see important details while teaching new skills. While every team learns a bit differently, I've been teaching these skills for a lot of years to a lot of trainers, and I'm confident that I can help you.
What if I'm training an older puppy or adult dog?
While I'm starting the program with a puppy, there may be some gaps in what you've already started that I can help fill in for you. And it is never too late to start training!
What if I'm not training a retriever and/or I don't care about hunt tests?
A lot of the skills I work on specifically for hunt test training - target work, recalls, retrieving, going to a platform, basic obedience - are all applicable to obedience, and many of them to rally. I did almost all of these types of drills with my Border Terrier when he was a puppy and he loved them.
What if I don't have time to train as much as you do?
Everyone has different amounts of time to devote to training. It might be that you just pick 1-3 skills to work on in a given training session or even in a given week. That is one of the biggest benefits of doing on-line courses - you can go at your own pace. I *love* training puppies, so it tends to be easy for me to put in the time. Some dogs thrive on training every day, some are better if you train three times a week. Some do well with repeating something 20 times in a row, others twice and then move on. That is the interesting puzzle any time you start training a new puppy or dog: what makes this one tick?
How long will each lesson stay up? What if it is hard for me to stay on schedule?
My plan is that all the videos, etc., will stay on Thinkific for years to come, essentially as forever as anything is these days. My hope is that I can continue to produce content well into Seven starting to compete - it will depend a lot on how popular the program is. If it proves to be popular and a lot of people sign up and stay signed up, that will keep my fire lit :-).
Is there a minimum number of months I have to sign up for?
Not at this point. Once your 7 day free trial ends, your credit card will get charged once a month until either you decide to stop or I decide to stop (which I hope is several years in the future!).
Do I need to give my credit card information to try the free trial?
Yes, because it will charge your card once a month once the free trial period is over.